Government launches ‘Get ready for Brexit’ website

Ever since the referendum under David Cameron’s Conservative Goverment back in June 2016 the topic of Brexit hasn’t been far from the front pages.

As we move ever closer to the 31 October 2019 deadline for Britain to leave the EU the Government have launch a dedicated ‘Get ready for Brexit’ website to help both businesses and individuals cope with the uncertainty.

With politicians of the different parties at loggerheads over how to deal with Brexit the continued uncertainty is said to be having a material effect on both UK and EU businesses.

Designed the cover the key issues should the country leave the EU on the 31 October without a deal the new website highlights some preliminary steps that businesses and individuals can take to smooth the process.

The Government are said to be putting money into advertisements for the new website so that members of the public become aware of the changes they may face.

Michael Gove is the cabinet minister who has been tasked with preparation for a no-deal Brexit which includes over £100 million to fund a PR drive with the slogan ‘Get Ready’.

Chief amongst the advice for businesses is to find out on the site what paperwork they may have to fill in to import or export goods to the EU after Brexit.

In this regard HMRC have launched a guidance paper for UK Businesses offering pre-emptive advice regarding specific further registrations that can be made to ensure they can still trade across international borders after Brexit.

For any businesses unsure of their requirements after a no deal Brexit it is advised to speak to your professional advisor to ensure your business is well looked after in the event of no deal.


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