Empowering Your Future Through Technology

At NRB, we’re dedicated to using cutting-edge technology innovations to provide you with the strategic insights and planning tools you need, to chart a path toward success. 

Planning Your Future Success 

In business, foresight is your greatest asset. Management accounts offer more than just financial data—they provide a roadmap for your business’s journey ahead. The usual delay to having these reports available is the manual data entry side of accountancy. Using technology, we can speed this side of things up, so reports are readily available when you need them. By understanding where your business stands today and where you aim to be tomorrow, you can make informed decisions that drive growth, innovation, and long-term success.  

Business Succession Planning 

We recognise the importance of planning for the future continuity of your business. Whether you’re considering passing the reins to the next generation, grooming a successor within your organisation, or exploring external sale opportunities, a robust succession plan is essential and having the information to be able to make informed decisions as quickly as possible, is key. Using technology to speed up the manual side of your business workflow and generate reports as and when you need them, can help massively when planning the future of your business. 

Strategic Growth Initiatives 

Is expanding your business part of your vision for the future? Whether you’re eyeing new markets, diversifying your product offerings, or scaling your operations, strategic growth requires careful planning and execution. By using technology to speed up the reporting side of your business, you gain the insights and analysis needed to evaluate growth opportunities, assess potential risks, and develop actionable strategies that align with your long-term goals. 

Maximising Business Value 

Are you planning to sell your business in the future? Maximising the value of your business requires a proactive approach to financial management and performance optimisation. Our management accounts provide the visibility and transparency needed to identify areas for improvement, enhance profitability, and position your business for maximum valuation. Technology can play a vital part in this analysis and may also help reduce overhead costs. Whether you’re preparing for a future sale or simply striving to maximise shareholder value, NRB is here to support you every step of the way. 

Recommended Apps

Approval Max – https://apps.xero.com/uk/search/app/approvalmax

Dext – https://apps.xero.com/uk/search/app/dext-prepare

Pleo – https://apps.xero.com/uk/search/app/pleo

Further Information

If you would like more information on how NRB can help improve efficiency within your business, contact your usual NRB advisor. Click here to find out more about our services.


Integrity is at the forefront of everything we do as we apply the strongest ethical and moral rigour across how we work and assist our clients.

At NR Barton we understand the importance of trust and through our integrity we make sure this underpins absolutely everything we do.

We like to do the best for our clients and this isn’t always easy. We aren’t afraid to use our integrity to confront difficult situations. We firmly believe that acting with our utmost integrity those difficult conversations will help to build our trust with our clients. Sometimes the difficult option is the best.

It is also our integrity that has helped us to build a strong local relationship in our market place and the thrive as a business for the last seventy years.

We’re here for the long term and our integrity will help us to achieve that.