Coronavirus (COVID-19): CBILS summary helpsheet

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) has been implemented to support long-term viable businesses who are looking to alleviate cashflow pressures through seeking finance. The finance will be provided by the British Business Bank through participating providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CBILS supports a wide range of business finance products, including term facilities, overdrafts, invoice finance facilities and asset finance facilities. All loans will require cash flow forecasts and projections.

To assist clients with the process we have created a specific helpsheet detailing:

  • The key features of CBILS
  • How CBILS can be accessed
  • The eligibility criteria of CBILS
  • What information will be required from you

The helpsheet can be downloaded here: CBILS summary

We’re here to help

With all the legislative changes and updates over recent days in these ever changing and uncertain times, our teams are briefed and here to help you and your business.

Whilst our physical offices are closed following the ‘lock down’ advice, the team at NR Barton are working remotely from home. If you have any questions you should not hesitate to contact your engagement partner or manager who will be happy to assist; our contact details can be found here.

For anyone unsure of who to contact, we are still answering phones (01942 242245) and we are answering emails to

We’re here to help.

All the best

The NR Barton team

Want to read more of this?

With the fast changing environment of information and support, NR Barton have set up a dedicated mailing list where business owners and individuals get e-shots as soon as legislation has been digested. This is relevant and tailored to business owners.

To register click here:

Alternatively read all our articles in our Covid-19 hub here:


Integrity is at the forefront of everything we do as we apply the strongest ethical and moral rigour across how we work and assist our clients.

At NR Barton we understand the importance of trust and through our integrity we make sure this underpins absolutely everything we do.

We like to do the best for our clients and this isn’t always easy. We aren’t afraid to use our integrity to confront difficult situations. We firmly believe that acting with our utmost integrity those difficult conversations will help to build our trust with our clients. Sometimes the difficult option is the best.

It is also our integrity that has helped us to build a strong local relationship in our market place and the thrive as a business for the last seventy years.

We’re here for the long term and our integrity will help us to achieve that.