Guidance on PAYE Reporting for Early Christmas Payments

Since 2019, there has been a permanent easement for reporting PAYE information in real time. This is where employees receive their pay earlier than usual at Christmas.  Reporting the Contractual Pay Date Where an employer closes on the usual (contractual) payday, such as at Christmas or on bank holidays, HMRC advises to report the contractual […]

NRB Christmas Payroll Schedule

We would like to inform all our valued clients that the payroll office will be closed for the festive period. We close on Monday, 23rd December 2024, and will reopen on Thursday, 2nd January 2025. During this time, our team will not be available to process payroll or handle any queries. Please take note of […]

Impact of Late Submissions and Payments to HMRC for PAYE

Are you aware of the importance of submitting your payroll data and paying your PAYE bill on time? Late RTI Submissions (Caused by not sending your payroll information on time) When Penalties are Charged: Firstly, you may incur a penalty if: Secondly, HMRC Will Not Charge a Penalty If: Penalty Amounts The amount you pay […]


Integrity is at the forefront of everything we do as we apply the strongest ethical and moral rigour across how we work and assist our clients.

At NR Barton we understand the importance of trust and through our integrity we make sure this underpins absolutely everything we do.

We like to do the best for our clients and this isn’t always easy. We aren’t afraid to use our integrity to confront difficult situations. We firmly believe that acting with our utmost integrity those difficult conversations will help to build our trust with our clients. Sometimes the difficult option is the best.

It is also our integrity that has helped us to build a strong local relationship in our market place and the thrive as a business for the last seventy years.

We’re here for the long term and our integrity will help us to achieve that.